Nancy Tucker Shaw

Fan Guest of Honor

News update! Nancy suffered a stroke a few weeks ago. She's now recovering in a convalescent center. She seems to be doing pretty well, but she has a long way to go. She is still mentally acute, she has suffered no loss of her faculties, and she is working on regaining control of other recalcitrant body parts. There's no predicting how fully she will recover from this stroke, but so far, so good.

I would like to assure you all that Nancy is still the Fan GoH for Vintage ConFusion. This has not and will not be changed. We've arranged for a handicap accessible room, and we will arrange for a health aide if she needs one. Nancy is looking forward to ConFusion; she is determined to go, and ConFusion will support her in this.

Nancy appreciates calls, letters, and visits. She is at the Heartland Health Care Center of Ann Arbor, at 4701 Huron River Drive.

Nancy is a long-time Michigan fan and has been an active member of Stilyagi since its inception in 1973. She is the proud parent of Larry Tucker, another long-time Michigan fan and our Toastmaster for 1997.

If you look around the Internet for Nancy's name, you will mostly find references to her recent marriage to Bob Shaw, a well known Irish pro and the most popular fanhumorist of the '70's. [ask her if we can reprint the fansmanship papers Howard and I did for the wedding here] They became engaged at Novacon in 1995 and married in Ann Arbor that December. [1] They attended ConFusion together in January of 1996, and two weeks later Shaw suffered cardiac arrest complicated by pneumonia and liver shutdown. He returned to Manchester, England to seek medical treatment, where he passed away. [2]

Nancy has also been a driving force in SFOHA, which interviews Fans and Pros for the archives, and then sends the audio and video tapes to libraries. It was kicked off at the first actual ConFusion in 1975 by Lloyd Biggle and Fred Pohl, and we have continued to support it financially and by doing interviews and SFOHA panels at ConFusion. Nancy was amoung the first members, and is currently organizing taping at the European cons.

[1] Ansible 101, "Such Interesting Neighbors"
[2] File 770: 112 "Fandom Mourns Shaw, Wollheim"
Last update 13 Oct 1998
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