ConFusion - Jan 23-25, 1998 - Van Dyke Park Suite

Map to the hotel

Our 24th ConFusion is almost ready to roll off the assembly line. The members of the Stilyagi Air Corps voted in November 1996 to decide who to invite as guests in 1998; all of the guests have now confirmed.

  • Membership cost:        Adult    KidFusion
    Until Dec. 25, '97       $25        $15
    At the Door              $30        $20
         Just send your check to the P.O. Box, along with name, address, phone, 
         email, how many adult and how many KidFusion memberships you want. 
    For Further Info, Contact: * ConFusion * P.O. Box 8284 * Ann Arbor, MI 48107 * or

    Check out ConFusions Past and Future.

    Page design by Chad Childers & Katherine Becker, art by Mike "Freon" Andaluz and Randy Bathurst.
    Last update 20 January 1998
    Go home to the Stilyagi Calendar