Board Meeting Minutes
Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association
Sep 7, 2008
Great Oak Cohousing
Members Present (Quorum Met):
- Joe S (President)
- Roxanne K (Treasurer)
- Jer L (Secretary)
- Jess Z
- Erik K
- Brendan D
Members Absent:
Tammy C (Vice President)
Anne M
Meeting called to order at 8:25pm
Jer L's computer died, so August meeting minutes were never
sent out. They will be voted on next business meeting.
Old Business:
Braille books for handicapped students
Roxanne K spent $200.34 for 11 braille books.
AASFA minutes online
- Roxanne K verified with Steve K (webmaster) that he is
willing to upload the meeting minutes that are emailed to
- Joe S will email the Stilyagi mailing list to explain
the changes this month.
- Erik K. will recover the old minutes and strip the last
names from them down to last initials.
President's Report - Joe S:
Braille books have been obtained by Roxanne K.
New Business:
Books in Schools
- We would like to expand the service.
- Jer L will put Tomlinson Middle School in touch with
Roxanne K
- Anne M will contact publishers to see if we can obtain
donated books.
Stilyagi trips to out-of-state cons.
- Brendan D will be organizing a trip to WindyCon in
- Jer L will be organizing a trip to Capricon in
- AASFA wants to donate much less to the process from
here forward
Jess Z makes an ill-advised phone call
- Motion by Jer L that Jess Z cannot make any
phone calls during AASFA board meeting without a majority
vote of the board (Brendan D second)
- Passed 3-2-1 (on second vote after 3-3-0
ConFusion Report
- We have a full slate of GoHs
- Need a head of volunteers
- There is a new flyer
- The postcard mailer will go out in around a week.
- Anne M will have a budget emailed to the board before
next business meeting
Tabled Activity/Action Items:
- Erik K to recover old meeting minutes to be placed on
the website.
- Erik K will strip last names on old minutes down to
last initals.
- Joe S will send an email to the Stilyagi list
referencing the storage of meeting minutes online (as well
as the open attendance policy of these meetings)
- Anne M will contact book publishers for free books
- Anne M will email the board the budget before next
- Jer L will put Tomlinson Middle School in contact with
Roxanne K
Future Meetings:
- Thursday, 2 Oct at 7PM at Great Oak Cohousing
- Thursday, 6 Nov at 8PM at Great Oak Cohousing
- Thursday, 4 Dec at 7PM at Great Oak Cohousing
Motion to close by Joe S (Jess Z second)
Passed (5-0-1)
Meeting closed at 9:25pm.
Meeting called to order again at 9:26pm
Braille books for handicapped students
- Motion to reimburse Roxanne K $200.32 (Jess Z
- Passed 5-0-1
Motion to close by Joe S (Brendan D second)
Passed (5-0-1)
Meeting closed at 9:27pm.