Board Meeting Minutes

Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association

Aug 22, 2008

Great Oak Cohousing


Members Present (Quorum Met):

Members Absent:

Tammy C (Vice President)

Meeting called to order at 8:50pm

Meeting minutes were discussed.

Old Business:

GoH reimbursements for certain past GoHs

Tabled forever, never again to be discussed.

Micro(Con)Fusion's status

Due to current circumstances and time constraints, this will not happen this year. Perhaps next.

President's Report - Joe S:

Discussion of mid-summer small con(s), such as ConVersation and MicroFusion

Nothing further to report.

Treasurer's Report - Roxanne K:

$164.02 issued to Tammy C for the picnic

$735.48 issued to Joe S as reimbursement for grant for Stilyagi trip to MARCON

Value of all accounts (except snow fund) is $22,846.06

Value with the snow fun is around $37,800.00

New Business:

Each year, ConFusion budgets $1200 to transfer to AASFA for use to the benefit of Stilyagi. Due to a budgetary surplus and less being spent by AASFA, should this be less or not exist at all.

Discussion of storage locker situation

AASFA is paid out through 3 (or possibly 4) years. This will be revisited when next we are billed.

Discussion of keeping an online accessible archive of all Stilyagi mailing list mail.

As there was nobody present to defend or put forward a motion, this discussion was ended.

Discussion of storing minutes from AASFA Board meetings online on the website

The need for a social director and/or membership director was discussed

Braille Sci-Fi/Fantasy books for handicapped students.

Roxanne will head this up. She will obtain pricing information by next business meeting so we can decide how best to go about this.

Planning of next meetings

Tabled Activity/Action Items:

Motion to close by Joe S (Jer L second)

Passed (6-0-0)

Meeting closed at 10:20pm.